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A rejoint le programme le : 12 mai 2022

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jumbojoe: I recommend something like this in your script: "date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' -d '${TODAY}' -p jumbojoe: it takes todays date in YYYY-MM-DD format and prints it as HH:MM:SS format into the log, then puts a '-' between that and the date in ${TODAY} format jumbojoe: so it can be used as the output you mentioned "My MySQL query just took a while to return with the error "this many seconds ago"" jumbojoe: see this earlier message of mine for an explanation of ${TODAY} ok thanks! what package is the mysql.service file supposed to be in? teward: it's in a systemd unit so that the service is autostarted on system boot TJ-: I don't see it. I need it to reference when I'm starting up mysql in a custom service file TJ-: so i'm seeing as `systemctl --user start mysql.service` is not starting the service, wondering what's happening Hey there, I have a one line issue that I'm wondering if anyone can help with, would be great! actually, I have to go, so I'm in the process of trying to start the service as a service and then just report the error in a bash script when that starts up, just to see if it can fail to start. (I'm trying to check the mysql service specifically as it's failing) would anyone be able to help me figure out why I can't get the mysql service to start as a service? jrgilman: state it, if someone can help they will. If they can't ask for help :) i'm getting a "not found" type error in a service file that i'm trying to make work. The service file is getting the same error, but



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